Flow Cytometry

















GALLIOS flow cytometer (Beckman-Coulter)

The GALLIOS flow cytometer is equipped with three laser lines (405nm Violet, 488nm Blue and 638nm Red) and can detect simultaneously up to 10 colors. 32 samples can be measured in automated acquisition mode using multi carousel loader.

A forward-scatter detector provides up to three measurements of cell size and visualization of particles down to 0.404 µm in diameter. Simultaneous measurements of integral, peak and width are available for all parameters, including scatter and fluorescence signals. A selection from up to 62 parameters can be processed per analysis, at acquisition rates of 25,000 events-per-second, with high yield.




The CyAn ADP High-Performance Flow Cytometer is a research tool engineered for precision analysis of cells, bacteria, and other similarly sized particles.

CyAn ADP gives users three excitation lines with independent, alignment-free focusing optics, simultaneous 9 color and 2 scatter parameters, analysis rates of 50,000 events per second, a full 9 × 9 interlaser compensation matrix, and high sensitivity.





BioRad S3 Cell Sorter

The S3 Cell Sorter is equipped with two lasers (488nm, 561 nm) and four fluorescent detectors, plus forward and side scatters. The sorter includes a complete internalized fluidics and temperature control system.

Two-way sorting (single, purity, enrich) with collection of up to 5 x 5 ml or 1.5 ml sample tube each direction.

Note: Reserve times on the instruments as early as possible









CyFlow Cube cell sorter (Sysmex)

The CyFlow® Cube is a compact flow cytometer for analysis of single cells and microscopic particles.

The closed piezo-driven sorter system allows non-destructive cell sorting with high purity. The sorting channels: GFP, PE, APC.












Attune™ NxT Cytometer (Invitrogen)

The Attune NxT Flow Cytometer is an advanced, high throughput, benchtop cytometer that uses acoustic pressure to confine the injected particles to a tight central line as the sample passes through the optical cell for interrogation. The Attune NxT is equipped with 4 lasers (488nm blue, 638nm red, 561nm yellow, 405 violet), which allows detection of total 16 channels (fluorescence channels as well as a forward scatter and a side scatter channel).

The sample injection port can use standard FACS tubes, micro centrifuge tubes and 1.5 ml tubes. The Attune NxT Autosampler enables rapid processing of multiple samples by automatically analyzing samples from 96-, 384-, and deep-well plates.