
Signalling Factory

In order to make working in the Signalhaus Core Facilities convenient to everybody, it is necessary for all users to follow some principle rules.

undefinedUser Guidlines


I.     Access

Access to equipment of the Signalhaus Core Facility is primary available all members of the Signalhaus community and can be grated to members of the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg only after a User Access Form has been signed and returned, stating which services are required and acknowledging that these user guidelines have been read and will be abided by.

An introductory training is mandatory for all users before beginning use of the Signalhaus Core Facility.

Training sessions for the machines can be reserved by contacting the facility staff via e-mail. The staff support is available Mo-Fri from 08:30 am to 5:00 pm and should always be contacted in case of doubt in the operations.

To access the Signalhaus it is necessary to have a valid and activated UniCard from the University of Freiburg. Via USBLogon, specified for research groups, user have access to the facility equipment computers. Handling of USBLogon is summarized in our SOP (USBLogon Signalhaus Devices). Individual login and password can be required for single instruments.

Users are not allowed to reveal their login account data or UniCards to other people. Any infringement of the rules will result in a warning of the user and can lead to a temporary blocking of the user account. In case of repeated violations, a permanent exclusion from the Signalhaus Core Facility is possible.

User access to the Signalhaus Core Facility may be denied if the user does not fulfill his or her responsibilities regarding proper use of the equipment.


II.    Equipment Booking

Users are allowed to book machines once they have been trained to use them.

Following registration, user will get access to an online calendar booking system. It is recommended to book only the time needed for experiment and use accordingly. Do not reserve time excessively than needed to use the device, this will block other users for using the instrument. Do not exceed the using time more than reservation time. Do not take another person’s reservation time without consulting the respective person.


III.    User responsibilities

Users have to attend an introduction before using an instrument and are obligated to operate the devices on the basis of the criteria learned in the introduction.

Instruments need to be booked in advance via the online calendar booking system.

The facility staff should always be contacted in case of any doubt concerning an operating step. Report any abnormal behavior or destruction of the device immediately to the facility staff.

Users must fill the log book for every login and use of the instruments. Repeated incorrect information or not filling out of the log sheet will result in exclusion from machine access.

During and after using the equipment and instruments, the workspace must be kept and left clean.


IV.     Data Storage Policy

The Signalhaus Core Facility does not back up user’s data to a remote off site storage drive. Users are fully responsible for their own data files. It is recommended to copy the data as soon as the experiment is finished. The data will be deleted on a regular basis after 2 months.


V.      Facility Acknowledgement in Publications

Users are obligated to acknowledge the Signalhaus Core Facility in any scientific publication or oral presentation for which data was generated with the use of our equipment, our services, or with the help of our staff's expertise.

The following statement can be used to acknowledge our facility:

The authors acknowledge the scientific and technical assistance of the Core Facility in the Signalhaus of the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg for help with [….], and the excellent support in data recording and analysis.

If any assistance is required with preparation of publications, please contact the respective Facility Manager.

Acknowledgements help us securing internal as well as external funding to maintain and upgrade instruments in our facility. Please send us a copy of your publication that includes data obtained from the use of our facility.